Friday, 21 February 2014

Howlong Market.

We will be at the Howlong Market tomorrow from 8.30 to 1.00pm if anyone is interested to come along and check us out.
This is a bowl of Echeveria 'Blue Curls' - one of my favourites - Have I said that before LOL!!
This is a great plant as it forms many pups all around it and is also easy to propagate from leaves.
Looks fantastic in a big clump like this.
Hope to see you tomorrow at the market., but if you cant make it our plants are available by mail order as well.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby"

Well, we are still battling the heat here but fortunately we are expecting cooler temperatures and rain - yes rain - in the weekend. I dont know who's looking forward to it more, me or the plants!
I thought I would show you one of my favourites - Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby'. Stunning isnt it? It likes a sunny spot to bring the colours out well and has furry leaves and stunning flowers. Great in the garden or in a pot and easily propagated from the leaves, or head cuts.  At the moment I have none available for mail order but am busily propagating more of this very popular one.